Python Cheatsheets



Conditional Expressions

Finds conditional expressions of the form '... if ... else ...' where the classes of the sub-expressions differ



Builtin objects

Finds expressions that refer to an object in the builtins module (like int or None).



Call to method

Finds calls to MyClass.methodName



Calls to function

Finds calls to any function named 'len'



Class subclasses

Finds classes that subclass MyClass



Create new object

Finds places where we create a new instanceof `MyClass`



Elif statement

Finds `elif` sub-statements within `if` statements



Empty blocks

Finds the first statement in a block consisting of nothing but Pass statements



Equalities as expression statements

Finds `==` equality expressions that form a statement



Equality test on boolean

Finds tests like `==true`, `==false`, `'!=true`, `is false`



File with given name

Finds files called ``



Find prints

Find print statements or calls to the builtin function 'print'



Find-references links

Generates use-definition pairs that provide the data for find-references in the code viewer.



Functions with many parameters

Finds functions with more than 7 parameters



Generator functions

Finds generator functions



Handle exception of given class

Finds places where we handle MyExceptionClass exceptions



If statements with empty then branch

Finds 'if' statements where the 'then' branch consists entirely of Pass statements



Integer literal

Finds places where we use the integer literal `0`



Jump-to-definition links

Generates use-definition pairs that provide the data for jump-to-definition in the code viewer.



Mutual recursion

Finds pairs of functions that call each other



Override of method

Finds methods that override MyClass.methodName



Print AST

Outputs a representation of a file's Abstract Syntax Tree. This query is used by the VS Code extension.



Private access

Find accesses to 'private' attributes (those starting with an underscore)



Raise exception of a class

Finds places where we raise AnException or one of its subclasses



Raw string literals

Finds string literals with an 'r' prefix




Finds functions that call themselves



Single-quoted string literals

Finds string literals using single quotes



Store None to collection

Finds places where `None` is used as an index when storing to a collection



String conversion expressions

Finds `String conversions` expressions (expressions enclosed in backticks), which are removed in Python 3



TODO comments

Finds comments containing the word 'TODO'



Try-finally statements

Finds try-finally statements without an exception handler