Information disclosure through postMessage

Author: LGTM

import javascript
import DataFlow
import DataFlow::PathGraph

 * A dataflow configuration that tracks authentication tokens ("authKey")
 * to a postMessage call with unrestricted target origin.
 * For example:
 * ```
 * win.postMessage(JSON.stringify({
 *  action: 'pause',
 *  auth: {
 *    key: window.state.authKey
 *  }
 * }), '*');
 * ```
class AuthKeyTracking extends DataFlow::Configuration {
  AuthKeyTracking() { this = "AuthKeyTracking" }

  override predicate isSource(Node node) { node.(PropRead).getPropertyName() = "authKey" }

  override predicate isSink(Node node) {
    exists(MethodCallNode call |
      call.getMethodName() = "postMessage" and
      call.getArgument(1).getStringValue() = "*" and // no restriction on target origin
      call.getArgument(0) = node

  override predicate isAdditionalFlowStep(Node pred, Node succ) {
    // Step into objects: x -> { f: x }
    succ.(SourceNode).getAPropertyWrite().getRhs() = pred
    // Step through JSON serialization: x -> JSON.stringify(x)
    // Note: TaintTracking::Configuration includes this step by default, but not DataFlow::Configuration
    exists(CallNode call |
      call = globalVarRef("JSON").getAMethodCall("stringify") and
      pred = call.getArgument(0) and
      succ = call

from AuthKeyTracking cfg, PathNode source, PathNode sink
where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "Message leaks the authKey from $@.", source.getNode(), "here"


Tracks values from an 'authKey' property into a postMessage call with unrestricted origin, indicating a leak of sensitive information.