Decoding after sanitization

Author: LGTM

import javascript
import DataFlow
import DataFlow::PathGraph

class DecodingAfterSanitization extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
  DecodingAfterSanitization() { this = "DecodingAfterSanitization" }

  override predicate isSource(Node node) { node.(CallNode).getCalleeName() = "escapeHtml" }

  override predicate isSink(Node node) {
    exists(CallNode call |
      call.getCalleeName().matches("decodeURI%") and
      node = call.getArgument(0)

from DecodingAfterSanitization cfg, PathNode source, PathNode sink
where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "URI decoding invalidates the HTML sanitization performed $@.",
  source.getNode(), "here"


Tracks the return value of 'escapeHtml' into 'decodeURI', indicating an ineffective sanitization attempt.