Go Cheatsheets



Call to built-in function

Finds calls to the built-in `len` function.



Call to library function

Finds calls to "fmt.Println."



Call to method

Finds calls to the `Get` method of type `Header` from the `net/http` package.



Comparison with nil

Finds comparisons with nil.



Comparison with zero

Finds comparisons between an unsigned value and zero.



Compile-time constant

Finds compile-time constants with value zero.



Field read

Finds code that reads `Request.Method`.



Field write

Finds assignments to field `Status` of type `Response` from package `net/http`.



Find-references links

Generates use-definition pairs that provide the data for find-references in the code viewer.




Finds functions called 'main'.



If statements with empty then branch

Finds 'if' statements where the 'then' branch is an empty block statement



Increment statements in loops

Finds increment statements that are nested in a loop



Jump-to-definition links

Generates use-definition pairs that provide the data for jump-to-definition in the code viewer.



Pointer Type

Finds pointer type `*Request` from package `net/http`.




Finds parameters of type "ResponseWriter" from package "net/http".



Print AST

Outputs a representation of a file's Abstract Syntax Tree. This query is used by the VS Code extension.



Receiver variable

Finds receiver variables of pointer type.



Result variable

Finds result variables of type "error".



Type information

Finds code elements of type `*Request` from package `net/http`.




Finds type `Request` from package `net/http`.



Variable read

Finds code that reads a variable called `err`.



Variable write

Finds assignments to variables named "err".




Finds variables called "err".