C# Cheatsheets



Add null to collection

Finds places where we add 'null' to a collection.



Array access

Finds array access expressions with an index expression consisting of a unary increment or decrement, e.g. 'a[i++]'.



Call to constructor

Finds places where we call 'new System.Exception(...)'.



Call to method

Finds calls to method 'Company.Class.MethodName'.



Cast expressions

Finds casts from a floating point type to an integer type.



Catch exception

Finds places where we catch exceptions of type 'System.IO.IOException'.



Class extends/implements

Finds classes/interfaces that extend/implement 'System.Collections.IEnumerator'.



Conditional expression

Finds conditional expressions of the form '... ? ... : ...' where the types of the resulting expressions differ.



Empty blocks

Finds empty block statements.



Equality test on Boolean

Finds tests like 'x==true', 'x==false', 'x!=true', '!=false'.



Expression qualifier

Finds qualified expressions (e.g. 'a.b()') and their qualifiers ('a').



Extern methods

Finds methods that are 'extern'.



Fields declared volatile

Finds fields with a 'volatile' modifier.



Find-references links

Generates use-definition pairs that provide the data for find-references in the code viewer.



If statements with empty then branch

Finds 'if' statements where the 'then' branch is an empty block statement



Integer literal

Finds places where we use the integer literal '0'.



Jump-to-definition links

Generates use-definition pairs that provide the data for jump-to-definition in the code viewer.



Methods with many parameters

Finds methods with more than ten parameters.



Methods without return type

Finds methods whose return type is 'void'.



Mutual recursion

Finds pairs of methods that call each other.



Override of method

Finds methods that directly override 'Object.ToString'.



Print source code AST

Outputs a representation of a file's Abstract Syntax Tree. This query is used by the VS Code extension.



Read of field

Finds reads of 'VirtualAddress' (defined on 'Mono.Cecil.PE.Section').



Return statements

Finds return statements that return 'null'.



Singleton blocks

Finds block statements containing a single statement.



Switch statement case missing

Finds switch statements with a missing enum constant case and no default case.



Throw exception of given type

Finds places where we throw 'System.IO.IOException' or one of its subtypes.



TODO comments

Finds comments containing the word "TODO".



Try-finally statements

Finds try-finally statements without a catch clause.



Unused local variable

Finds local variables that are not accessed.



Unused parameter

Finds parameters that are not accessed.